Documentary Review: Hungry for Change
I had started writing an article on diets, and why they don't work, with the intent of talking about how meals should be a way of life rather than a fad diet, when I ran across this documentary, and it basically covered a good amount of what I was going to write about. So while I don't normally do movie/documentary reviews, I felt this one was important enough to share. (It turns out there is a
book version of this information as well.)
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Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business
I have to admit that my life experiences prior to reading this book led me to the bias that crowds almost always produce worse results than rational individuals acting independently. While that may still be true in (the frequent) cases where crowds suffer from conformity and "groupthink", this book made me reconsider my thinking about the value of crowds the rest of the time. Here is the common sense reason described in the book:
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What's the first thing your dog or cat does after a bath? Mine lick themselves clean! Yep, all those chemicals used in pet cleaning products go straight into your pets mouth. Lovely huh? I must be honest, sometimes my dogs eat healthier than I, their bed is bigger than mine, relative to their body size, and they don't work half as hard as I do.
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